What is an inland customs office?

The most important facts in brief: An inland customs office is the customs office responsible for the sender of goods in Germany. The “competent customs office of export” page on the German customs website can be used to find out which customs office of export the goods must be declared to in the two-stage procedure using the zip code.

The inland customs office: a hub in the national customs procedure

International trade and the cross-border movement of goods are hardly conceivable without a functioning customs infrastructure. In addition to the customs offices at the borders, many countries have so-called internal customs offices. What exactly is an inland customs office and what function does it fulfill in the complex customs system? This article sheds light on these issues.

Definition: What is an inland customs office?

An inland customs office is a customs office that is not located directly on an international border, but within the territory of a country. This is an institution of the customs administration that is responsible for processing customs transactions that are not directly related to the import or export of goods.

Functions of the Inland Customs Office

  1. Customs declarations for internal traffic: Even if goods have already been imported into the country, they may still be subject to customs supervision under certain conditions, especially if they are subject to a special customs procedure. These goods can then be declared at an inland customs office, for example.

  2. Monitoring of bonded warehouses: Many countries maintain bonded warehouses in which imported goods can be stored without customs duties and taxes having already been paid. The inland customs office monitors these warehouses and handles the customs procedures when the goods leave the warehouse.

  3. Handling of transit procedures: Goods that are transported through the country without leaving it may fall under a transit procedure. In such cases, the Inland Customs Office is responsible for initiating, monitoring and terminating the procedure.

  4. Advice and information: The Inland Customs Office is also a point of contact for companies and private individuals who require information or advice on customs issues relating to inland traffic.

Importance of the inland customs office

  • Securing tax revenue: By monitoring customs warehouses and processing customs transactions in inland traffic, the Inland Customs Office helps to ensure that the customs duties and taxes due are collected correctly.

  • Protection of the economy: The monitoring of internal traffic and the handling of customs procedures ensures that no unauthorized or counterfeit goods enter free circulation.

  • Efficiency and flexibility: Not all customs procedures can or need to be processed directly at the border. Inland customs offices enable flexible and efficient processing of customs procedures, even away from border crossings.


The Inland Customs Office plays an important role in the national customs procedure and ensures the correct application of customs and tax regulations within the country. It not only helps to secure tax revenues, but also to strengthen and protect the national economy.

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