Vehicle transportation

Would you like vehicle transportation for your own vehicle or a direct quote for the transfer of several vehicles in your fleet? From motorcycles and cars to agricultural machinery, we can transport almost any vehicle. With our customized vehicle logistics solutions, we can also take your vehicle to almost anywhere in the world. We offer open transports and for particularly valuable or sensitive vehicles we also offer closed transports. Your vehicle can also be transported internationally in a container or using the Ro-Ro method to another continent. We would be happy to advise you on our solutions.
We have briefly explained the different types of transportation below.
car transportation of passenger cars
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Car transportation
With PUREPROGRESS, you have a reliable partner for car transportation at your side. We transport new vehicles, used vehicles, but also defective vehicles or vehicles with limited mobility. The transportation of exclusive or particularly valuable vehicles such as vintage cars or racing cars is also no problem. Find out now about the various transportation options we offer worldwide.

Motorcycle transportation
In addition to classic car transportation, we also offer motorcycle transportation. We can carry out the motorcycle transport for you as an individual journey or as a collective transport. This means that your motorcycle arrives safely in your vacation destination, for example, without you having to worry about anything. Find out more about motorcycle transportation, contact us!

Transportation of trailers
We can transport your vehicle trailer for you on our own axles or loaded onto a low-loader / car transporter.
Vehicle customs clearance
Our experts can handle your vehicle through all standard customs procedures. This includes the creation of an EU / CH import customs declaration, a T1 transit document or the creation of CH / EU export declarations for all vehicle types.
Nähere Information on vehicle customs clearance can be found on our website on the subject of vehicle customs clearance, especially importing a vehicle into Switzerland or Germany.
Make a vehicle transport request now
Customer testimonials at the Zurich location:
5*****- star rating:
Many thanks to the PUREPROGRESS GmbH team for the absolutely professional and fast handling of the transfer and customs clearance of our car (Germany -> Switzerland). Absolutely recommendable. You save time and nerves!
5*****- star rating:
I used Pureprogress to transfer a classic car from Switzerland to Germany. The transaction was absolutely perfect and everything went smoothly. The communication in advance and on site was also great.