Versand nach Niederlande (Symbolbild)
Versand nach Niederlande (Symbolbild)
Versand nach Niederlande (Symbolbild)

Shipping to Netherlands / Parcel to Netherlands

Are you about to be transported to the Netherlands?
We will provide you with a non-binding offer for the
shipping to the Netherlands and all the associated
logistics process. If you only want to send one parcel to the Netherlands
or a whole pallet at once? Many deliveries
of our customers go to Amsterdam, the capital of the
Netherlands. In some cases, however, partial lots also go to the
larger ports such as Rotterdam and then transported by container to
to be transported overseas. We know the formalities
at the Dutch freight ports and will be happy to support you.
Our customer service team will advise you personally by telephone or by
E-Mail. This enables us to respond specifically to your needs
and also master special transports together.
May we call you back and discuss your individual case?
speak? Just write to us briefly about what you need and we will
contact us immediately. Please send us your contact details
by e-mail to: [email protected]

Transportation to the Netherlands with insurance

All our consignments can be delivered with a corresponding
insurance. We can also achieve higher values
up to EUR 900,000 or CHF 1,000,000. Is it
special industrial goods or particularly valuable
Goods? Let us know and we will take care of everything else.

Shipping by forwarding agent – Netherlands

The complete logistics process, including the transportation of
Germany to the Netherlands is one of our tasks.
We need the following information and data in advance to send you a
to prepare a non-binding offer for you:

  • Consignment weight (gross + net)
  • Number and type of packages
  • Package dimensions
  • Type and value of goods
  • Consignor and consignee
  • Contact details of the recipient and sender
  • Opening hours at the loading and unloading point
  • Any extras that need to be considered / special requests

We would be pleased to convince you of our excellent price/performance ratio.
performance ratio. The best way to contact us
by e-mail or via the contact form.